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   State Seal Rhode Island State Labor Relations Board RISLRB







Statutory Authority

These pages link to the General Assembly Statutes - RI General Assembly Disclaimer

The Rhode Island State Labor Relations Act was established by Public Law in 1941, and is currently found at R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 28-7.

Amendments to the Act include:

> RIGL 28-9.1 Firefighters' Arbitration Act

> RIGL 28-9.2 Municipal Police Arbitration Act

> RIGL 28-9.3 Certified School Teachers' Arbitration Act

> RIGL 28-9.4 Municipal Employees' Arbitration Act

> RIGL 28-9.5 State Police Arbitration Act

> RIGL 28-9.6 911 Employees' Arbitration Act

> RIGL 28-9.7 Correctional Officers' Arbitration Act

> RIGL 36-11 State Employees' Arbitration Act

The Rhode Island State Labor Relations Board is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY via RI Relay: 711 2/21/22