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   State Seal Rhode Island State Labor Relations Board RISLRB







Petition for Representation Notices

The Petition for Investigation of Controversies as to Representation is used whenever it is alleged that there is a question or controversy concerning the representation of employees, in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-7-16.

Subsequent to the verification of signatures submitted on cards of interest filed with the Petition in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-7-9(b)(1) and (2), the following case(s) have been scheduled for an informal hearing before the RI State Labor Relations Board  for the determination of an election:


Case Number/Posting
Case Title
Informal Hearing Date
Time of
Informal Hearing
Election Date/Time

English Poster
Spanish Poster
Portuguese Poster
Voting List

State of Rhode Island & Service Employees International Union, District 1199 New England

12/30/24 10:30 a.m.

Mail Ballots to be Returned by: 3/4/25

Counting of Ballots: 3/6/25



The Rhode Island State Labor Relations Board is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY via RI Relay: 711 1/31/25